FRAUD ALERT: Alberta Issues Bad Cheque Scam Warning for Lawyers
A fraud alert recently posted to the Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association (a division of the Law Society of Alberta), involved a sophisticated bad cheque scam…

FRAUD ALERT: Manitoba Firm Wires Sale Proceeds to a Fraudster
A recent article from the June 2023 issue of the Law Society of Manitoba’s Communiqué newsletter “Fraud and a Fib” (page 6) warns of…

FRAUD ALERT: Three New Frauds Reported in Nova Scotia
In the last month or so we have been made aware of three fraud incidents. All three are different but fortunately, we expect all…

FRAUD ALERT: Scam Attempts During Summer Holidays, Post-Pandemic
As we approach the summer holiday season, here is a reminder of the dozens of fraud alerts that we’ve issued in recent years based…

FRAUD ALERT: Increase of Fraudsters Impersonating Real Estate Lawyers
A recent article from the Globe and Mail “Homebuyers targeted by fraudsters impersonating real estate lawyers” (February 23, 2023) warns of an increase in…

FRAUD ALERT: Fraudulent IDs Continue to Pose Risk to Transactions
A fraud alert that we issued last year continues to pose a potential threat to Nova Scotia lawyers, who should remain vigilant. The following…

FRAUD ALERT: Phony Email Requests from Boss/Colleague
A new development in spoofing scams have been circulating in workplaces. The email appears to be from a boss or colleague requesting assistance on…

FRAUD ALERT: Large Commercial Purchase Scams (Construction/Medical/Marine Equipment)
Requests for representation in a large commercial machine purchases/transactions are a type of scam attempt that continue to circulate, with scammers using actual names…

FRAUD ALERT: “Dog Bite” Scam Circulates Again
New instances of an old cheque scam have been circulating once again. In this scenario, lawyers are asked to represent a client in a…

FRAUD ALERT: Alberta Issues Social Engineering Scam Warning for Lawyers
Similar to the warnings we have circulated of late, the following is an excerpt from a fraud alert recently posted to the Alberta Lawyers Indemnity…