
Sovereign Citizens / Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument (opca) Litigants

We have seen lawyers notarizing documents for OPCA litigants, parties who they do not otherwise act for. Your name is on those documents as a Notary, as a practicing member of the Barristers Society, as a commissioner of oaths. These documents have significant effects on proceedings and the property of innocent parties. Your name legitimizes fictions. By attaching your name these documents, you put your own personal reputation at risk.

Funds Transfer Frauds Increasing

Incidents of funds transfer fraud are increasing, not just in Nova Scotia but everywhere. You have to be cognizant that coverage under our insurance policy or the cyber policy is dependant on the facts that give rise to the claim. Even in the case of what appear to be similar events, there might be policy coverage for one and not the other, often due to very subtle differences. The best policy you can have to prevent these frauds, and minimize your own personal risk, is your own diligence and internal processes.

Court Rules Law Firm Be Reimbursed For Frozen Funds Sent To Alleged Fraudsters

A recent ruling highlights the importance of recognizing fraud and taking swift action after a law firm found it had fallen victim to a scheme involving nearly $1 million, whereby the bank was able to put a freeze on some of the accounts. The firm will be subsequently reimbursed, following a Superior Court decision.

Nslap Wellness: When You Fear The Unknown – Coping With Uncertainty

“We do our best to talk ourselves into believing many different things when facing something unknown. Sometimes, we say that “everything happens for a reason,” “this too shall pass,” or “it is what it is” to calm our minds, soothe our worries, and ease our fears. While it’s not always as simple as that, we are processing and trying to cope with uncertainty. In this article, we’ll reframe uncertainty as a part of life that is constant and explore signs to recognize when it’s affecting us negatively.”

Coming Soon!! Lians' Innovative New Website And Member Portal

LIANS’ new website and member portal will soon launch. Our redesign will continue to offer all of LIANS’ valuable resources and information, but in a more user-friendly format for both desktop and mobile devices. New features will include a member portal that allows members to log in to submit a claim, apply for the Mentorship Program, and review your mandatory insurance policy – all in one convenient place!

Quick And Easy Steps To Convert Your Document Into A Text-searchable And Copy/paste Ready Document

Adobe PDF software can access and modify text that would otherwise be trapped as an image within paper-based and PDF documents. Using its OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature, you can easily convert typed, printed, even some clearly hand-printed text into editable and searchable data. This saves an incredible amount of human-powered reading, searching for keyword(s), and unnecessary retyping …

Lians Seeking Mentors

Do you have a minimum of nine years of experience and are interested in volunteering your time to provide support and guidance to another member? LIANS is currently seeking mentors of all backgrounds for its Mentorship Program.