Avoiding Pitfalls: Allegations Of Ineffective Assistance Of Counsel In Criminal Matters

We would like to stop writing about claims alleging ineffective assistance of counsel in criminal matters. But their frequency remains high, they now being the third most frequent claims we see by practice area.

Multi-million Dollar Funds Transfer Fraud: A Must-read For All Ns Lawyers

The following is an edited version of a fraud incident alert that the B.C. indemnity fund recently sent its insured lawyers. These incidents continue to occur everywhere. Preventing them requires diligence on your part whenever funds are being transferred.

Register At Lians.ca To View Your Mandatory Policy, Report A Claim, And More

Register to submit an online claim report and review your mandatory insurance policy.

Two ‘wills, Powers Of Attorney, And Personal Directives’ Committee Standards: One Approved, One Requesting Input

Approved for your review and guidance “Issues That Arise on Second and Subsequent Relationships“; and asking for input with regard to proposed new Standard “Personal Directives”

Past Vs. Present: Assessing Prospective Clients

Sometimes lawyers are asked to take on as a client a person who says that they were previously represented by one or more other counsel in the same matter, but the relationship fell apart. The question is whether you should take this matter on.

Not So Risky Business: Award-winning Clia Blog Posts On Cybersecurity Risks, Practice Management, Wellness, And More

The Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association (CLIA) blog “Not So Risky Business”, provides informative posts on topics to better help you manage your practice, avoid errors and better understand your insurance coverage needs.

Nslap Wellness: New And Improved Efap Platform, Free 'supporting Workplace Mental Health' Webinar February 27

On behalf of your Nova Scotia Lawyers Assistance Program (NSLAP) provider, Homewood HealthTM is pleased to provide the following.

Lians Seeking Mentors

Do you have a minimum of nine years of experience and are interested in volunteering your time to provide support and guidance to another member? LIANS is currently seeking mentors of all backgrounds for its Mentorship Program.

Saving Face: How To Publicly Address A Data Breach

A data breach is a risk facing anyone who holds data. Aside from the importance of contacting your cyber insurer and IT people as soon as you become aware of a breach, your public statements and handling of the incident can have an impact, either positive or negative.