The Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association (CLIA) is a reciprocal insurance exchange providing professional liability insurance to lawyers in nine Canadian provinces and territories with its head office in Regina, Saskatchewan. CLIA’s nominating committee is seeking candidates for one volunteer board position opening July 1, 2023. Candidates do not need to be lawyers but should have some of the skills identified in this Skills Matrix. Experience with financial, investment, actuarial and/or audit functions would be an especially valued asset. CLIA’s Board is a small and engaged group of seven people with varied experience, all of whom are committed to employing good governance principles. The Board meets in person in a central location (usually Toronto or Calgary) approximately six (6) times annually. The CLIA Board is reimbursed for economy travel, the cost of a hotel and other expenses but does not receive an honorarium.

For more information on CLIA, please see the following link:

If interested please submit a cover letter, your resume and the skills matrix on or before March 31, 2023 to Lawrence Rubin, Chair, CLIA Nominating Committee at

LIANSwers Issue 79, January 2023