As a result of term limit retirements, LIANS is seeking candidates for four vacancies on its Board of Directors commencing October 2023 or January 2024 at the latest.
LIANS’ Board of Directors is a small and engaged group with varied practice experience from throughout Nova Scotia. All interested Members are welcome to apply and we encourage participation from lawyers outside HRM.
In advance of receiving formal applications, interested Members will be invited to attend a short information session via Zoom on February 28, 2023 at 4pm that will describe the organization, the role of the Board of Directors, the time commitment and the application process. The application deadline is expected to be by the end of April or early May.
Members are encouraged to forward this request to anyone they believe would be interested in becoming a member of the Board. LIANS is committed to equity and diversity and we especially encourage Members from historically underrepresented groups to consider joining the Board.
LIANS offers the opportunity to participate in the management of the non-for-profit entity that provides the mandatory professional liability coverage for Nova Scotia lawyers. With Board membership also comes the opportunity to sit on one of LIANS’ standing committees: Audit, Investment, Governance, Claims Review and the Lawyers Assistance Program.
Interested Members should respond to Cynthia Nield at cnield@lians.ca by February 24, 2023.