Cameron, John R / Due diligence: easements, access and possessory titles (February 2006), in Real Property Conference 2006: crown interests and due diligence under LRA: “The Sophomore Year”  

Cameron, John R / Easements in the LRA: further issues (February 2005), in Real Property Conference 2005: from challenges to opportunities…navigating the real property paths. 

Edmonds KC, Erin O’Brien / Probate, Estates and the Land Registration Act – An Overview (September 2006)

Edmonds KC, Erin O’Brien; Saunders, Nancy; Paquet, Dianne E / Easements: case scenarios to challenge your skills (February 2005), in Real Property Conference 2005: from challenges to opportunities…navigating the real property paths. 

Fordham, A.G.H. / Easements, licenses and rights of way (April 1987), in Real property
Ginn, Diana / Easements – Part 1: back to the basics (February 2005), in Real Property Conference 2005: from challenges to opportunities…navigating the real property paths.  
Ginn, Diana / Easements – Part 2: beyond the basics (February 2005), in Real Property Conference 2005: from challenges to opportunities…navigating the real property paths.

Land, Derek M / MacLean v. Williams, 2008 NSSC 293: case comment (April 2009), in Nova Scotia Law News vol. 34 no. 2 p. 72.

MacLean KC, Ian H / LRA easements, subdivisions and related issues: getting it right the first time, or perhaps the second… (February 2005), in Real Property Conference 2005: from challenges to opportunities…navigating the real property paths.

Sheen, Megan; Everett, Mark G / Power utility easements: how to find them, how to name them (March 2007), in Real Property Conference 2007: year III: the junior year: best practices: topics, tools & methods

Thomas, Kenneth O. / Abandonment of rights-of-way (February 2001), in Property law: profession and business – staying in the game.