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Request for Input on Proposed Real Estate Standard 3.22

The Real Estate Standards Committee is seeking input from the membership with regard to the following new Standard: Please submit comments and suggestions pertaining…

Request for Input on Proposed ‘Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Personal Directives’ Standards

The ‘Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Personal Directives’ Standards Committee is seeking input from the membership with regard to the following Standards: Please submit…

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NSLAP WELLNESS: Coping with Childhood Trauma from Past Abuse and Neglect

“In this article, we’ll be exploring the topic of past childhood trauma. While we always intend to be helpful when presenting information, we only…

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FRAUD ALERT: Increase of Fraudsters Impersonating Real Estate Lawyers

A recent article from the Globe and Mail “Homebuyers targeted by fraudsters impersonating real estate lawyers” (February 23, 2023) warns of an increase in…

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New Virtual Session: “Sleep and Your Wellness – More Info on the Business of Sleep”

LIANS and the LAP Committee invite you to attend the newest session in our virtual wellness series “Sleep and Your Wellness: More Info on…

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LIANSwers Edition 80, March 2023

In this edition: Beware notary work with Sovereign Citizens; Funds transfer frauds; New LIANS website coming soon; Converting PDFs into readable documents; Coping with uncertainty; and much more…

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NSLAP WELLNESS: Systemic Racism

“How does systemic racism differ from individual racism? Individual racism includes prejudices, implicit biases (unconscious beliefs or attitudes, that come from messages and stereotypes…

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Request for Input on Proposed and Revised Real Estate Standards

The Real Estate Standards Committee is seeking input from the membership with regard to the following Standards: Please submit comments and suggestions pertaining to…

FRAUD ALERT: Fraudulent IDs Continue to Pose Risk to Transactions

A fraud alert that we issued last year continues to pose a potential threat to Nova Scotia lawyers, who should remain vigilant. The following…

FRAUD ALERT: Phony Email Requests from Boss/Colleague

A new development in spoofing scams have been circulating in workplaces. The email appears to be from a boss or colleague requesting assistance on…